• Genesys Network is the first platform to provide unified blockchain services.
  • The platform has fasted and low-consumption products and services.

As blockchain adoption increases, more and more platforms are coming to interrupt the web. These platforms are offering a range of services to benefit the users and make it easier for them to take advantage of the technology. One such example of this type of platform is Genesys Network. 

Genesys Network- Single Platform Providing Unified Blockchain Services

Genesys Network is a decentralized platform which provides or features all blockchain services to tackle blockchain issues. The platform combines decentralized finance (DeFi) and Blockchain technology to evolve community driven solutions. 

Its aim is to attract a wider range of users including small business, large corporations, industries, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). While it provides a comprehensive approach to the entire blockchain system, at the same time, it tends to achieve transparency and security. 

Features of the Genesys Network

  • First, it used a Proof of Authority (PoA) blockchain allowing high performance and efficiency in the network.
  • Second, it provides a range of services including GChain, Blue Lotus DAO, Genesis of Blue NFT Marketplace, GensysViewAPP, and BlueHosting GSYS.
  • Third, it creates a complete and unique ecosystem for managing digital assets and crypto transactions.
  • Last but not the least, it is decentralized in nature, has transparency, security and is easy to use.  


It is the native currency of the Genesys Networks GCHAIN blockchain. The coin is used to perform transactions on the network. It has a store of value and is given as an incentive to the validators of nodes in the network. However, it is used as a governance tool as it provides voting rights for various decisions.  

Services offered by Genesys Ecosystem

1. GChain

GChain is a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus based blockchain providing users to store their data in a decentralized manner. In a PoA consensus, validators have all the authority, and therefore, are prone to corruption and security attacks. However, it provides strong security against attacks.

2.  Blue Lotus DAO

It is the decentralized exchange (DEX) powered by the GChain, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies and tokens without the need of any centralized authority or intermediaries. It also offers various tools and services such as staking, loans and many more, and  focuses on privacy and security of transactions.

3. Genesis of Blue

It is the NFT marketplace for digital artists and creators to sell their digital art pieces or NFTs. It provides a KYC protection to the artists which act as a prove of ownership of their digital creations. This KYC protection helps them to sell their works without hesitation of being copied or stolen.


It is a decentralized wallet which helps the users to securely store, send and receive the Genesys coins or tokens. It makes it easier for transactions to be held.

5. Genesys View App 

It is a powerful Web3 based application developed to provide real-time trading insight and analytics. The aim is to provide comprehensive products and services to users in just one platform. 

Including these services, it also provides hosting services to host websites, digital marketing services, SEO services. It helps the business to ensure their digital presence and succeed online. 

Concluding thoughts

To end with, the genesys ecosystem is providing all blockchain services in a single platform to ensure the users can find a one stop solution to all problems. Additionally, It has a wide range of services that helps the businesses to succeed online and ensure their digital presence.

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